August 26, 2013


i don't want to forget
the precise angle of your shoulders
or the tight curve of your smile
but it has been a while

and the skin forgets its goosebumps
the heart forgets its joys
there is a deepening void, and i cry
I remember! I remember!

pleasing aches and little plummeting delights!
of course! the pain of that jagged edge of satin petals fluttering out of sight!
on a sunny day --

I remember (because i'm terrified
to recall only that i've forgot, 
to know only 
that i loved you once and then i loved you not

as undeniably
as dreadfully
as a dead thing rots).

June 29, 2013


my love is not a lemon
- can’t press it till it flows
my love is not a violet
my love is not a rose

my heart is not a chocolate drop
that melts on curling tongues
you may have a voice
- doesn't mean that i'm unsung.

June 18, 2013

thinking and doing (a poem from the bathroom)

thinkers must be do-ers
just like eaters must be poo-ers. 
a morsel in the gut
ought be inclined towards the butt.

whatever thought on which you chew, 
let it digest and follow through
into the loo, its destination
without which fate is constipation.

your mind would be a bloated spot
if all there were were thoughts and thoughts
dried and clumping up to be
of a retentive sphincter freed. 

and so i will repeat once more
(in case you missed it once before),
just as an eater surely poos,

if you think much, also do and do!

February 1, 2013

my dear, love is -

- well, how can i explain? you will feel
it, when you do, like
the sight of spring
and filled,
like breaths you do not remember,
like dreams you do not recall;
you will feel it like a reaching and a never arriving,
you will feel it like a birth and a forever dying.

January 13, 2013


is it the gray month

is it the winter rain in the cavern of her
breasts cracking
stone where it falls that makes her break and

i'm old
and i'm alone oh

if only if only

i could take the coldness from her
i'd lay it like a shroud over the sky and lick
her ragged forehead till it was smooth as milk.