Gray May 1st
I wait for May to
burst like a pomegranate seed and
dribble down my lips; today's just
the pith.
in the shower with a thought of you
mist whispering, swirling
against neck; water licking
skin, nibbling; threat
of burning tumbling down
spine; I mere
sigh, melt settling into you.
clouds bumble in, soft
white like marshmallows, hiding
hearts of hot lightning.
what it is (II)
the quiet of a
flower opening and your
gentle eyes that smile.
not in your eyes like dusk
not in your touch like sleep
not in kisses like dreams I gladly drowned in, but
when you left - god
like a star's first waking blink into
nothing, wide-eyed I
drifting cradled in her smile.
bones that swell and pop
lungs that bleed from screaming
palms collecting journeys for another life
before these, your face is the sleeping moon
and I'm enchanted by craters, waiting for your eyes -
i am so hungry
I am so hungry
for the missing bits of me,
the fullness of a belly
unbuttoned. Hungry for poems
I can't read, for how my
tongue can't twist
anymore and all the million words my mother
plucked from pain. Desperate for memory,
I let your evil jungles split my
brain and licked into the cracks,
smacking my lips: hungry
like you almost.
But in the mirror where I go
to swallow myself whole,
my eyes on me are not like yours.
Bless them for what hunger can't take.
this grey morning-
forecast of split skies-
this day that waits, teetering like a boatman in the fog-
I am by the window braiding words to keep thoughts from flying-
tucking worries behind my ear-